How To Nail Your Audition And Start Believing In Yourself With These 5 Simple Tips

Audition season is quickly upon us. It can be a big ball of anxiety for days on end. Here are 5 simple tips to nail your audition and book your next gig. Learn how confidently crush your audition in the professional or community theatre world by believing in yourself. Plus, get some inside scoops from the “other side of the table.”

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Fear holding you back? Here are 5 clear ways to find your voice, speak up, and live your best life.

Throughout my life, I've often been frustrated with myself for being "too nice." I've felt taken advantage of. I've felt hopeless. Silenced. Have you ever felt like your voice disappeared? In my newest blog post, you'll uncover the ways I found my voice, and how you can sing out through your days Loud and Proud.  Your voice is a gift. 

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